Here For You Resources
Get your rakes and weed eaters ready! We are going to have a great “Here for You” Day!!!
I want to thank you for leading churches/associations to be a part of the: Here for You Compassion Ministry Day.
Through the month of April and May, we will see many of our church members moving from the “Pew to People” with simple acts of kindness. We hope that the recipients of the Here for You Day ask, “Why are you doing this?” It will give us the opportunity to say (point to t-shirt) because we are “Here for YOU!” And Jesus is Here for You!!
Compassion Ministry is accomplished as 4 objectives are realized:
- Meet Human Needs.
- Build Trust Relationships.
- Fully Share the Gospel.
- Connect People to the Local Church.
Here for You helps to accomplish these objectives by initiating new relationships with people. Remember, it is always about people.
I wanted to collect a few resources for you as the day approaches. is the central site for the compassion ministry day. Take a look at the site and you will also see all of the TV Campaign Videos that can be pushed out to Social Media. Get your church members to push these videos out, starting NOW! We want to blanket the area with the “Here for You” phrase. Best part is, it is free!!!
All of the graphics that you may need to promote on social media, websites, newsletters and more can be easily downloaded right here! Click the button to download.
This Facebook page is useful on “game day” to upload “Here For You” activity. Imagine a Facebook page that is filled with pictures of people in action from Vinton to Slidell! Get those teenagers uploading on the smartphones but don’t forget the hashtag! #HereForYouSWLA
What’s a hashtag? Why is it important? When you include that hashtag in your post, we can then search for that specific hashtag and EVERY single post that has it included will pop up, whether it has been posted to our page or not. It is easier for us to gather all pictures, videos, and posts about Here For You if you include the hashtag!
Here’s an example post:
Today we went out into our community and raked leaves for an elderly couple and shared the love of Jesus with them! #HereForYouSWLA
For those of you who are doing Here for You on April 8, we need those t-shirt orders soon. March 17 would guarantee your shirt arriving on time!! Click the button below to register TODAY! We want to have a successful event this spring.
For those of you who are doing Here for You on April 8, we need those t-shirt orders soon. March 17 would guarantee your shirts arrive on time!! Click the button above to register TODAY! We want to have a successful event this spring.
Dr. Jeffrey L. Cook, Compassion Ministry Strategist
Louisiana Baptist Convention